The Best App for Breast Health Advocacy 

The Feel For Your Life app allows you to set self breast exam reminders, helps you track your progress and provides you with AI tools to help you advocate for your breast health! It's the first of its kind created by a breast cancer patient who found a lump while doing a self breast exam. 

NEW: Get access to BreastFriendAI!

Feel For Your Life is sponsored by the Aware.® Pad.

The Best App for Breast Health Advocacy 

The Feel For Your Life app allows you to set self breast exam reminders, helps you track your progress and provides you with AI tools to help you advocate for your breast health! It's the first of its kind created by a breast cancer patient who found a lump while doing a self breast exam. 

NEW: Get access to BreastFriendAI!

Feel For Your Life is sponsored by the Aware.® Pad.





Learn how to do an exam 

With instructions provided by the National Breast Cancer Foundation, you'll learn about 3 different self breast exam methods that you can discuss with your doctor. 

Track your progress

As you develop a routine for doing self breast exams, you can log your progress and keep notes on what you find. You'll be able to look back at your notes to make comparisons and share your findings with your physician. 

Set a reminder 

Life gets busy, and sometimes we need a quick reminder that tells us to take care of ourselves. When you set a reminder to do a self breast exam, you'll receive a notification at the same time every month telling you that it's time to do a self breast exam. 


Advocating for your breast health can be intimidating, and knowing how to communicate is essential to achieving your desired medical outcomes. BreastFriendAI is a digital chat device inside of the Feel For Your Life App that creates a customized advocacy plan by preparing you for screenings, explaining your pathology reports, and assisting you through follow-ups, treatments and second opinions. 


Advocating for your breast health can be intimidating, and knowing how to communicate is essential to achieving your desired medical outcomes. BreastFriendAI is a digital chat device inside of the Feel For Your Life App that creates a customized advocacy plan by preparing you for screenings, explaining your pathology reports, and assisting you through follow-ups, treatments and second opinions. 

40 percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who find a lump. 

 The National Breast Cancer Foundation

"I didn't know how to do a self breast exam until I learned about Feel For Your Life! So glad I came across this resource! Now I keep track of them and am able to communicate what I find with my doctor!"

- Leah, 34

"Breast cancer runs in my family, and Feel For Your Life has helped educate me on my options for taking risk-reducing measures. I feel better knowing I'm making the best decision for me!"

- Holly, 28

"Feel For Your Life taught me how to do a self breast exam. I found a lump one time and  immediately called my doctor about it. It checked out ok, but I now get routine screenings. THANK YOU!"

- Christina, 31

40 percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who find a lump. 

 Johns Hopkins Medicine

"I didn't know how to do a self breast exam until I learned about Feel For Your Life! So glad I came across this resource! Now I keep track of them and am able to communicate what I find with my doctor!"

- Leah, 34

"Breast cancer runs in my family, and Feel For Your Life has helped educate me on my options for taking risk-reducing measures. I feel better knowing I'm making the best decision for me!"

- Holly, 28

"Feel For Your Life taught me how to do a self breast exam. I found a lump one time and  immediately called my doctor about it. It checked out ok, but I now get routine screenings. THANK YOU!"

- Christina, 31


Get access to the app that's changing the way women advocate for their breast health. 


Get access to the app that's changing the way women advocate for their breast health.