Meet Jessica
Jessica Baladad is a 5-year cancer survivor who became a passionate advocate after her experience with breast cancer at 33 years old.
She started Feel For Your Life as a social media outreach project to encourage women to be their breast health advocates, and in 2021, Jessica became the first breast cancer survivor to create an app that provides resources for doing self breast exams and getting screened, allows users to track and monitor their changes, and lets users set reminders for doing self exams. The app went viral, and it’s been changing lives all over the world.
Since launching Feel For Your Life, Jessica has spoken to audiences across the globe to bring awareness to women's breast health and medical advocacy. Additionally, she’s written legislation in the State of Tennessee to promote risk-reducing measures against cancer and disease. Billed as the Feel For Your Life Act, it requires high school students to learn about self breast exams, testicular exams and skin exams. Among her advocacy work, Jessica has also spoken before members of Congress in efforts that would ensure patients get better access to healthcare without the bureaucracy of insurance companies.
Jessica compels audiences to take action. Her story of resilience, combined with her passion for equipping and empowering others, makes her an ideal speaker, collaborator or host for your event, brand or project. Book Jessica today to ignite change and see the transformative power of her message.