The Most Confident Way to Do a Breast Self Exam

Feel For Your Life is sponsored by the Aware Pad, revolutionary tool designed to help you recognize changes in your breasts accurately and quickly by increasing your sensitivity and ability to feel abnormalities. Cleared by the FDA, it’s a medical device that consists of two skin-safe membranes with lubricant sealed in between. When you press firmly on the Aware Pad, your fingers will glide smoothly and reduce friction between your fingers and your breasts to give you more confidence in your self exam routine.

The Most Confident Way to Do a Self Exam

Feel For Your Life is sponsored by the Aware® Pad, revolutionary tool designed to help you recognize changes in your breasts accurately and quickly by increasing your sensitivity and ability to feel abnormalities. Cleared by the FDA, it’s a medical device that consists of two skin-safe membranes with lubricant sealed in between. When you press firmly on the Aware® Pad, your fingers will glide smoothly and reduce friction between your fingers and your breasts to give you more confidence in your self exam routine.

 Where You Can Order

 Where to Order

“Just having the Aware® breast pad around the patient’s bedroom or bathroom is helpful because it reminds them that they are supposed to do the breast self-exam once a month.”

— Dr. Josephine L. McNamara Von Herzen, M.D.

More Accurate

Quick & Simple

FDA Cleared

40 percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who find a lump. 

 Johns Hopkins Medicine

"I didn't know how to do a self breast exam until I learned about Feel For Your Life! So glad I came across this resource! Now I keep track of them and am able to communicate what I find with my doctor!"

- Leah, 34

"Breast cancer runs in my family, and Feel For Your Life has helped educate me on my options for taking risk-reducing measures. I feel better knowing I'm making the best decision for me!"

- Holly, 28

"Feel For Your Life taught me how to do a self breast exam. I found a lump one time and  immediately called my doctor about it. It checked out ok, but I now get routine screenings. THANK YOU!"

- Christina, 31

Trusted by a Breast Cancer Survivor 

"I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 33 years old, and a self exam saved my life! Self exams are still part of my monthly routine as a cancer survivor, and I feel more confident using the Aware® Pad. The increased sensitivity allows me to be more thorough, so I can easily detect changes in my breast."

— Jessica Baladad, Founder and Chief Advocate of Feel For Your Life

Early detection is the best detection

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, 80% of breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump. Aware is an aid to breast self exams; however, this product makes no explicit claim to find breast cancer, breast lumps or any type of breast disease. Aware should be used in conjunction with regular medical visits and periodic screenings.

Early detection is the best detection

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, 80% of breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump. Aware is an aid to breast self exams; however, this product makes no explicit claim to find breast cancer, breast lumps or any type of breast disease. Aware should be used in conjunction with regular medical visits and periodic screenings.